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Monday, December 15, 2008

DVD2one 2.3.0


DVD2one 2.3.0 | 630KB

With DVD2one you can make a movie-only or full disk copy of your DVD for personal use on a single DVD-Recordable. You can also copy double sided or several DVD-Videos two one DVD-R. DVD2one was the first in a series of new DVD backup programs based on compressed domain transcoding. This technique, developed for real-time transcoding of movies to be broadcast, can reduce the size of an MPEG-2 stream at very high speeds. DVD2one was designed to be simple yet efficient, thus you won't find many snazzy features and selections, but it'll do the job using very little time.

Key features include:
Unique video compression engine: combines blazing speed with the highest quality.
• Multi-processor, multi-core and multi-computer (grid) compatible.
• Process a movie to fit on a single recordable in a matter of 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer).
• Make a movie-only copy of your DVD. Why waste space and image quality on unnecessary intros, menus and language tracks?
• Make a full disk copy of your DVD. For those who want to keep those fancy menus and intros.
• Powerful join mode. Useful for putting multiple episodes of a (tv) series or joining both sides of a flipper on 1 disk.
• Batchprocessing: Program up to 15 disks to be processed one after another without user intervention.
• Remaster your CDs on DVD in Super CD quality.
• Builtin burnengine.
• Written from scratch, not based on any old code, libraries or existing opensource projects.
• Both PC Windows and Mac OS-X versions available.

Changes in DVD2one 2.3.0 (September 16, 2008):
* New option for movie-only and join mode: Target. This option defines what type of output files will be created:
o DVD Player: this is the default target and will create a dvd-video fileset that will play on any dvd player.
o Media Player: this will output a single VOB file which should play on most media players.
o PS3 USB HDD: this is a special mode for creating a single VOB file that will play directly from an USB Hard Disk Drive on the PS3. It does essentially the same as target Media Player, but the output size is automatically limited to 4GB. Also special warnings are displayed for audio and subtitle tracks that can not be played from the XMB. Please read manual for more info.
* New advanced option: support for dvd-video filesets bigger than 9GB:
o The extra data is place in the 9th VOB file (thanks to Blutach for the idea!).
o This option can be used to create large joins for re-encoding with other tools.
o The output plays perfectly fine with Apple DVD player, VLC, PowerDVD and Media Player Classic.
o Please note that dvd-video filesets bigger than 9GB are not compliant and may not work properly with other 3rd party tools or dvd players.
* Fixed incorrect error message when the default output location does not exist (thanks to Aaron for the tip!).
* Mac: made work-around for transparency bug in panels on OS-X Leopard (10.5).

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I have enjoyed Telugu songs and they have been an important part of my life. I have some very good memories associated with certain Telugu songs and maybe that's what make them so important for me.

I know there are a lot of Telugu music lovers out there searching the net all the time for downloads, so I have decided to help them by providing them the songs.
I hope you enjoy what you will find here.

Sharing is Caring....

Plz buy original CDs ..i dont encourage illegal downloads ..My concern is to give u all the best idea of the music avialable till date..

Have a great time..


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None of the songs available for download on this site/blog are uploaded by myself and none are hosted by, and neither do I own the servers that host these songs. I only provide links to files that are already uploaded and are freely available. If you have any legal concerns about downloading files from this site, please
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We aren't aware of any copyright infringements. All the downloadable content provided on this site (including, but not limited to videos, mp3s) is for testing/promotion purposes only. We highly ENCOURAGE users to buy the CDs or DVDs of the movie or the music they like. Once you download a file from our Blog, you should DELETE IT within 24 hours and buy the original CD or DVD from a local or online store. If you find any content that is violating the copyright law, please send an Email to shareboyforever(at) and we shall rectify it OR remove it, as required, within 2-4 business days. If you don't agree, please EXIT NOW!! The songs here are for promotional purpose only.
Making CD's from mp3 files is illegal.
Buy original cd's and cassetes from the nearest store.
We neither upload nor host any of these files.
We found all the links by mining the net.
These are provided to give users the idea of best music.
All the rights are reserved to the audio company.
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